

249 – SRSLY WRONG LIVE! (teaser)

This is an edited down version of the live variety show we held in discord on Jan 25, 2022. If you want to hear the whole episode, or join us for the...


Are human beings innately special little angel babies? “Deep Down” are we good or evil? What does the corrupting influence of power have to do with it? Should we tell loving lies?...

245 – Malatesta’s Anarchist Programme (w/ Zoe Baker)

This is a deep dive reading of Malatesta’s “An Anarchist Programme” with Zoe Baker. Support the show!http://patreon.com/srslywrong Opening Theme Song by Dope Creature: https://soundcloud.com/dopecreatureClosing Theme Song by The Window Smashing Job Creators:...

244 – Disability Justice (w/ Lateef McLeod)

This week Lateef Mcleod joins the Wrong Boys to discuss the principles of Disability Justice, why accessibility is important for everyone, and how capitalism systematically reduces people to our labor power, denying...

243 – Revolutionary Prefiguration (w/ Anark)

This episode is a deep dive into what it means to build prefigurative institutions that can help us actualize the transition to a better society. Special guest Anark and the Wrong Boys...

241 – Reading Black Anarchists (w/ St. Andrew)

Drawing plentifully from the writings of various Black anarchists, this wide ranging discussion touches on the relevance of anarchism to colonized people, self-determination, the Black Panthers, prefiguration, care work, raising children, white...