
Author: Srsly Wrong

320 – You Piece of Shit!

Pieces of shit. What are they? Who are they?   *turns to mirror*   Am I a piece of shit? The answers to all these questions and more, right here! support the...

319 – Housework

Housework is a never-ending job that every household needs to do, that causes conflicts between roommates, that disproportionately falls on women, and that you don’t even get paid for. This episode is...

318 – Peter Thiel is not a good guy

Surveillance billionaire Peter Thiel is an example of a rich guy who ruins everything. He’s not a good guy. support the show: https://www.patreon.com/srslywrong Source Sheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-CHXcEaAkSulBaNqdVZG9qh52xeOWOgFBTAv-xReZ1Q/edit#heading=h.1bq8umv8qozj Theme Song: Matt Hogan https://media.blubrry.com/srslywrong/audioboom.com/posts/8565423.mp3Podcast: Play...

317 – Rich People Ruin Everything

This episode on SRSLY WRONG, Shawn & Aaron discuss the ways in which rich people, and the existence of “richness” corrupts and ruins everything in our society.

Books mentioned:
Limitarianism by Ingrid Robeyns
Mastering the Universe by Rob Larson

217 – Trash! (2020)

This classic Srsly Wrong episode now has a transcript! Whether stinking up our humble alleyways or our pristine twitter feeds, TRASH is something that everybody hates. But what, or who, is trash?...

314 – The Shock Of Victory (w/ Franz)

Shawn and Franz discuss David Graeber’s 2007 essay “The Shock of Victory”, which makes the provocative claim that “the biggest problem facing direct action movements is that we don’t know how to...