

329 – Morning in Utopia

Rise and shine. Donate to SRSLY WRONG to get early access, bonus episodes, and to support the show… Thank you!!http://www.patreon.com/srslywrong Theme song by Spam Risk: https://spamrisk.bandcamp.com/releases  https://media.blubrry.com/srslywrong/audioboom.com/posts/8650411.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe:...

328 – The Half-Ass Episode

Doing a half-assed job of anything is widely disparaged in our society, but why is that? Who decided these ass requirements? Are these reasonable ass expectations? How much ass does each of...

327 – Peeping Pierre’s Fake Populism

Continuing our dissection of the Jordan Peterson / Pierre Poilievre interview, discussing Pierre’s bad economics, made-up history, racism, and fake populism. Donate to SRSLY WRONG to get early access, bonus episodes, and...

326 – Freaky Pierre wants to Destroy Canada

Jordan Peterson interviewed the leader of Canada’s Conservative party, Pierre Poilievre, who is currently leading the polls to become the next prime minister. The Wrong Boys dive in to their discussions. Donate...

325. The Idea of Hypocrisy

The wrong boys HYPOCRITICALLY critique the idea of hypocrisy EVEN THOUGH they use the term themselves. How convenient! This episode is a critique of the idea of hypocrisy, it’s political usefulness, and a discussion on it’s appeal, origins, and so on.

324 (TEASER) – Mass Surveillance

Exploring the horrifying technological-social realities of the surveillance state and surveillance capitalism. Why you should care and what we should do about it. full episode here:https://www.patreon.com/posts/324-mass-118493160  Theme song by Trai Bo  ...

The SRSLY WRONG Christmas Tape!

Gather your family around the tape player for the yearly tradition of listening to the SRSLY WRONG christmas special,. In this classic sketch episode, we follow Jelcinda, the personal lawyer of an embattled and controversial Santa Claus, as she discovers the true meaning of christmas.

323 – The Israel Palestine Kerfuffle

Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza is a horrifying nightmare. This episode is about that. Source Doc – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RHRU63m75QjHrcKy_bB_QBYCEJbofcIGyhynaB90qNo Donate to the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund:https://pcrf1.app.neoncrm.com/forms/gaza-recovery Support the podcast:https://www.patreon.com/srslywrong Opening theme by E...

321 – Utopian Justice

This week we turn our imagination goggles toward the concept of justice, exploring how it’s currently practiced vs what an ideal justice system would look like. support the show on patreon:https://www.patreon.com/srslywrong cw:...